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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring I dance with you.

Got up early this morning. Went out to get the paper and saw a group of healthly does. We stared at each other for awhile. The girls where locked in position, hiding in plain sight. They were beautiful and proud. Standing tall and still. Their coats were thick and brown, looking like satin robes. Eyes wide and deep. I wonder what they saw in me. An old guy in his gym shorts, scruffy and slow with his little brown dog. Nature and man. One is fresh and new, awakening season after season. The other trudges on, years piled on his back like a tortis. Scarred and pitted his shell is, but his eyes can still see and his heart can still feel and his soul can still fly.

I went into the back yard and saw a group of jakes. They looked like every young man. Grouped together making jokes talking about girls. Pimply faces and gangly legs, slightly uncoordinated. They walked through the yard. The girls were in the trees. I could her one jake tell the other "I think she likes you". The music is playing and the girls are waiting. It is Spring and every day is the prom.

The birds are out signing their mating songs. I heard a solo from a robin on the deck. His wings held out, his chest puffed, head held back. He sang to the world. "I am here, right here, right now, right now, this is my place, my place."

The sun is rising. Old man winter has gone away and lovely Spring has arrived. Her hair wet with dew, her eyes full of promise, sheathed in her silky wonderfulness. Spring is for lovers and lovers are for Spring. Spring is young and full of promise. She is a daughter, beautiful and tender, lightly making her way into the world. Her very presence makes all around her young, wonderful and hopeful. I welcome you Spring. Arise from your slumber. Lift yourself up and shine on us all. We need your light and your hope, your beauty and your innocence, your sense of wonder and your glow that lets us know that winter is over and all is right in the world.

As I stand on the deck and let the sun shine on my face, I feel the rays fill me and renew my soul. Spring spread your fecund fingers into the ground, the warm tendrils of your sun telling mother nature to wake up and come play. Dance in the sunlight, howl at the moon, hold your lover's hand, sing of her beauty, hold her face in your hands, kiss her lips and whisper "Spring is here, Spring is here."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fuck You Cancer.

This is for my bubbly, fresh and fun friend. My occasinal weightlifting buddy and I woman I have grown to like and admire. You have a long road ahead my friend, one that you will have to travel alone. May Jesus walk with you to keep you company, hold your hand when you are scared, carry you when you are tired and lift you up to Heaven if your journey here is to end.

Be brave for yourself and your loved ones. Don't lose that smile and sense of humor. Who else can see such humor in cancer. Fight and fight and fight, never give up and never give in. And if you lay exhausted and weary and it is the end, know that you have touched many people in this world and that God loves you and will come for you. And if you beat this son of a bitch and get back to the gym I have no intention of cutting you any slack. This fucker will hurt you and hurt you and hurt you, but can never touch what is inside your soul or your heart. Your beauty is within and fills the world like sunrise touching everything with its warmth. Go in peace and fight, fight, fight.

Out of the night that covers me.
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
and yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul
William Ernest Henley (1849-1903)
No matter how big the your foe is, never back down, God loves an underdog. Be like King David, swallow your fear , pick up a rock, put in your sling and hit that fucker right in the eye.
Fuck you cancer, fuck you.